Buds & Blooms Reusable Breast Relief Dougnut

SKU: 10322520

Sale price₱599


Buds & Blooms Reusable Breast Relief Dougnut

Breastfeeding is a full-time commitment, and Buds and Blooms is here to support you through each up and down. This reusable breastfeeding doughnut is a lovingly hand-made from the inside out.

The warmth from this specially designed doughnut pillow assists in direct latching from easier let downs. It also helps open milk ducts to reduce the time spent on pumping.

Before Nursing:
   • Microwave for 1 to 2 minutes at medium heat. Do not overheat this product. Overheating may burn or damage the product
   • Feel the pillow on the skin first to make sure it's not too hot. To test the tolerable temperature, try it on your inner arm first before application.
   • Relax and enjoy the benefits of warm compress at the breast area 5-10 minutes before nursing
   • To help ease clogged milk ducts, a combination of warm and cold compress can be used, warm first for 10 to 15 mins. Then cold compress of another 10 to 15 mins

After Nursing:
   • Freese one (1) hour prior to application
   • Relax and apply the cold compresses is your breast/s after feedings for around 15-20 minutes.
   • The coldness help reduce swelling and soreness

Note: it is not advisable to use ice bags directly on your breast.

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