About Baby Company 

Baby Company started on September 1991 as the one-stop baby specialist hub for moms, whether new, expecting or experienced. We pride ourselves with the widest assortment baby products for feeding, caring, protecting, playing, dressing up and traveling with your baby. 


We house top quality products from around the world with brands such as Avent, Chicco, Aprica, Evenflo, Graco, Dr. Brown’s, Marcus & Marcus, Safety 1st, The First Years, Nuby, Hegen, Beaba, Fisher Price and more. As well as through our in-house brands Baby Clean, Bloom, Mom & Baby, Picolo, Ollin, PlaySmart, Dwelling and Belle & Coco.


On top of that, Baby Company also offers a Mom Card, every Mom’s must-have card, for exclusive discounts and shopping rewards.


Our commitment goes beyond providing you the best products and the best brands for your babies, but to make motherhood a happier and more delightful experience. Now you can have a hassle-free online shopping for your baby's needs 24/7 through our e-commerce platform, www.babycompany.ph. 


Baby Company is the place where moms can find everything for their everything.



Baby Company has over 80 branches nationwide. Find it in all The SM Store branches and boutiques in Power Plant Mall, SM Megamall, SM Aura Premier, Taguig, SM Cebu City and SM Seaside Cebu. Baby Company is also present in 17 select stores inside SM Hypermarket.