An incorrectly installed car seat won’t protect your child in the event of an accident. It’s never too early to start thinking about car seat safety. The Philippines’ car seat law requires using car seats for children in public and private motor vehicles.
Installing a car seat properly can be nerve-wracking, but it doesn’t have to be that way—if you know what to avoid. Common mistakes when installing car seats can leave you with a false sense of security when driving. Even if you think you’ve got it right, double-check these things before hitting the road:
You Don’t Read the Manual
The first rule of car seat installation is to read the manual. The car seat manual is not a regulatory booklet you can skim through without reading thoroughly. The manual contains the height and weight limits for your child’s seat as well as any special instructions on how to install a baby car seat.
Be sure to read and understand the instructions for whichever car seat you decide is best for your little one. If you don’t read the manual and install the seat incorrectly, your child could be at risk. At Baby Company, you can find car seats that are easy to install like the Evenflo Car Seat.

Evenflo Cs906F 108 Sutton Grp123 Cs in Black
Your Child is Too Big for His Car Seat
Car seats are specifically designed to protect infants and young children by reducing the impact of a car crash. It is also designed to last for a long time, and once your child has outgrown his car seat, you need to transition him to a booster seat.
Knowing how big your child is and how much they weigh is important when deciding which type of car seat is best for your child. Check out the Cozy N Safe Car Seat Etna 360°. It features a seat suitable from birth until the child is 12 years old.

Cozy N Safe Etna 360° Group 0+/1/2/3 Child Car Seat
You Incorrectly Installed the Harness
A baby car seat’s harness system secures your child in the car seat and keeps him from moving around the car in case of an accident. The harness should be snug but not too tight and should be placed at or below your child’s shoulders. It should not leave a mark on your child’s skin, but it should be snug enough to support your child’s weight.
Get the Graco Car Seat, a cozy and comfortable option for a baby booster seat that is guaranteed to last you a long time.

Your Child Isn’t in a Rear-Facing Car Seat
Many parents make the mistake of only ever using their child in a forward-facing car seat. However, the safest position for your child is rear-facing. Your child should be in a rear-facing position until they’re at least two years old and has reached full weight and height.
Most children are ready to sit forward-facing at 18 to 24 months. If your child is 22 months old and 28 pounds, he might be ready to be in a forward-facing position.
However, if your child is not at least two years old, he should remain rear-facing. Keep them in rear-facing well past his first birthday and until he’s reached the highest recommended weight
The Seat Belt is Too Loose
You should always make sure your child's safety seat is secured in the back seat with the seat belt. If you’re using a car seat with a latch system, check the latch is fully closed. When using a seat belt, ensure it’s not too loose or tight.
A seat belt that isn’t tight enough might not prevent your child from moving too much in an accident. On the other hand, a loose seat belt can be more dangerous as it doesn’t hold your child securely in his car seat.
Another recommended car seat is Chicco Car Seat, known for its added safety features that keep your child secured and protected.

Chicco Gro-Up-123 Group 2/3 Car Seat
You Didn’t Check the Location of Your Car’s Airbag
The airbag is one of the most important car safety features, but it can also be dangerous for children riding in the back seat. Most modern vehicles have an airbag on the passenger side designed to inflate in the event of a head-on collision.
However, a child sitting in the passenger seat under a certain age or weight may be at risk of being struck by the airbag. Don’t let your child seat in the passenger seat if they are under 12 years old or under 80 pounds. For added safety, invest in something like the Akeeva Car Seat.

Akeeva Group 0/1/2 High Impact Car Seat in Brown
Your child’s car seat is a device designed to keep him safe in case of an accident. If you just hope it’s installed correctly, you’re putting your child at risk. Make sure you follow all of the manufacturer’s installation and safety instructions.
If you’re ever in a position where you’re not sure if your car seat is installed correctly, don’t be afraid to ask for help. Many car seat safety organizations offer free car seat inspections where they’ll come to your house and assist you in installing the car seat correctly.
Car seat safety is always one of the parent's primary concerns. It's time to get a top-quality baby car seat in the Philippines now at Baby Company and rest assured you will enjoy the benefits for the years to come. Shop now at the nearest Baby Company store or via!